Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dealing with Crazy

Have you even had one of those days or weeks when everyone around you just seems crazy.  That is how it has been since May 17, 2011.  Working on his project where one wants bit does not want to help or give up need information.  Ok so I al working in the dark "what is new" but REALLY as my kids would say. 
See some people don't understand that their things in this world which are bigger then they are.  Like my.parent toll me many years ago it is how you talk to people is how you get things done.  But some people only want to hear their own stuff.
So what do you do.... I just blow them off and keep going and hope of works out.
Well once again I am holding on other to.get there part done.  Wish me luck and let see if it all.works.