Thursday, November 24, 2011

After the day the bird is gong

We awaken not to cook bird but hang out until we jumped in the truck to grandmother house.  We talked we ate and the weird family did medical check up.  I am glad it is not a family morticians.  That would not be funny.  So now we set and wait for Saturday.  On this day we will awake early and pull the big bird out and run around getting the dinner ready.  Wow I am lookimg forward to watching people stuff and stuff.  The house will not be PC and talk is free all minds are ask to express.  I love this day it is what this county is about.  Free minds standing up and being heard.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dealing with Crazy

Have you even had one of those days or weeks when everyone around you just seems crazy.  That is how it has been since May 17, 2011.  Working on his project where one wants bit does not want to help or give up need information.  Ok so I al working in the dark "what is new" but REALLY as my kids would say. 
See some people don't understand that their things in this world which are bigger then they are.  Like my.parent toll me many years ago it is how you talk to people is how you get things done.  But some people only want to hear their own stuff.
So what do you do.... I just blow them off and keep going and hope of works out.
Well once again I am holding on other to.get there part done.  Wish me luck and let see if it

Friday, June 17, 2011

Life sucked just little less

Well we are in gear head mod.  The new.smartphone came in today.   The HCT THURDERBOLT. Love it as soon as I to work it.    It is crazy this phone does everything

just at time life can suck

so has this been the best week of life or worst.  not one or the other.  it just sucked.  but i do know this week i am sick of ass hole types that only look to their needs and just forget that other are around.  or childlike adults who want to play like they are someone when know cares.  well that has been that week.  yes i did get up this morning and started the day by telling trash to get off my property.  some people.  they should just go on down the road.

then i had to go down to town which did not make me happy.  as for the job today, i work for myself so i took the day off.  and plan to be put of pocket for the rest of the weekend.  no calls no emails no text.  i am going to do some work to get my self closer to saying goodby. 

this is just a place to put it all out of my head.  wish i was anywhere then here.  just want to run and go to a time when things were just fun.  that has been so long ago.  i dont remember when i really had just old fum.  it seems like there is always something that has to be done and then when i look back not a thing has been completed.

did i say that i hate ass hole because if i did not a need to make that known.  i believe that people who are here assholes that when thay were kids people knew they were asshole.  i believe it is somethng that we are born with.  someone would say that it take time.  no it only takes time to learn how to be a real good asshole.

i like how you can work on something so hard just to see assholes trash your work and hurt there own dum ass.  well that has been my week also.  i just dont have it in me to do anything on the project now.  wish i could walk away but if i do that one person i know will be without a job and i can not do that to her.  so i will take this to a point where that person can start making money and then i will be out.  that person should beable to handle it and if they can not then well it is not my problem.

oh and did i say that one person i know is a real asshole.  well if i did not i will say that one person i know is a real asshole.

Monday, February 21, 2011

after the fact on the way back

it has been along year.  many changes and evals on what life really means.  we really don't stop to think about this until we are forced.  well i was forced and glad that it happen.  now i set here writing this when i should be a sleep.  have class in the morning and work to complete for one of my contracts, but yet not a sleep.  i started thinking about this past year.  when it is dark and it is quite one does think ... i do.  cancer free for now,  look how i put that.  FOR NOW  it run in your  mind when will it come back and where and how bad.  but you can not live like that it makes you crazy and trust me i don't need that.  so then you ask your self what has changed.  as i look around me right now it all look pretty normal.  my desk is full of papers, charts, work for my contracts, notes of task that must be done set up in the levels of how they will bug me (that is my way), two cups of coffee a smoke in the ash tray, and all of my puppies like my family asleep.  i have made my nightly call to my pop, mike help me over the cell phone with my ECO homework and exam per up and jim is out like a light and i had my weekly let's bitch talk with melinda this morning and i will have to get up  in just a few hours for class and work.  and here i set writing this asking the question what has changes.  from those above statements you think nothing. it all seem like the before time.  the time when this was not an issues in my life.  hell i need has an issues until now.  guess i am just like other people after all.  that was just a joke.   there is even a old black and white move on with Pat O'Neil and Ronnie HOW COOL IS THAT.
but yet things have changed. i have changed.  no time can be wasted any more.  no one in my life can be taken for granted anymore, and sometime it is about the other person.  i struggle with the fact if i will ever be what i call 100%  maybe i will and maybe i will not.  i have to pace myself. slow down PLEASE  something that i have not ever done in my life.  now i have to take a nap (right now it seems to happen in my business law class)  and have to watch my daily activities (like wanting to do everything RIGHT NOW)  to make sure i don't wipe my self out.  this is not so bad (really does suck to have to changes your ways after 50 years).  but i do have fear at time i will not get all done.  then i ask myself get what done?  well who knows.  i am lucky it could have been real bad.  just heard a story (they are great at the cancer center to tell really suck story about people dropping dead)  the other day during one of my many after care test and follow up that this women found out she had breast cancer and she just died. dam.  i have been very lite about it all on the outside but 4 people (jim mike melinda pop) knew the fear. 
so this is what has changed.  i was not  brave i had fear and my friends and father knew that.  they were there when i thought i would brake and help me stay off depression (jim knew this side).  they were there to let me know that it would be OK (pop).  they held me listen to me and made me understand that we ( yes mike I know you just I) would get pass it.  so what the rest of you saw was what they give me.  they are the ones who were brave not me. 
what is changed is that i know my friends and father love me and that makes all the different in the world.  it is the healing power friends, a parent, and my jimmy
thank you all for my life. i would say i owe you one but all of you know IT IS ALL ABOUT ME (right melinda)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time for sleep

He sleep I seek has gone down to the no pep.
No thought no sight just long long nite
Where my sleep
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Busy day doing nothing

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the second snow storm came with high winds, below zone temps, and the knowing that we would not be getting off the mountain for days.  it recalled a talk i had with my father on his last visit out... he stated "don't know why you want to live in the mountain even in Oklahoma, when you can't see them from your house".  well he does have a point.  it is because we live on the mountain we can not see it but a daily knowing is with you all the time do to the life style we live. 

for most a big snow and ice storm is really in a lot of ways not a big deal, like for my brother in the east who called the other day and i could not talk because of storm prep.   he could not understand why i was so busy and running around getting so much stuff.  here on our mountain snow means days of not being able to get to town.  and even if we could get up the little hill from our place, we would still have to manage driving on snow and ice packed roads to get into town.

storm prep is making sure that everything is on hand from people food to pet food.  on the sat between the two major snow storms that descended on Oklahoma we were able to get out and get supplies.  1800 pounds of grain, 250 pounds of pet food, people food in which the "checker" told us we must be healthy due to the lack of junk food, and cleaning chems since i used everything up in the last storm.  on the way back to the ranch on the mountain our truck look like a scene from the "Grape of Wrath".  we were loaded down and ready.  on the return to the ranch we had to unload and store which took several hours.  then it was time to cut and slit wood, get kindling, and make sure the house was ready. 

now that everything was in, beans on the stove, and everything tech charged up ... we waited and waited and waited some more.  for a while i thought this storm would pass us over and just went to bed.  on awaking the next morning seven inches of new snow on the ground and coming down so heavy that i could not see my yard fence from the living room window.  all that was not so bad ... it was the cold ice filled wind.  temps had drop to negative 20 as we could make out.  all the water was running in the house and the horses water bucket were sold ice.  for all that day we watched the snow come down and down.  late in that same day it stopped and we did see sun for about an hour.

we were ok, most family members played on their laptops, made phone calls or texted, and had around on the FACEBOOK keeping up with friends and their snow activities.  the kid did get to go to school on Monday but will be out for the rest of the week.  not good but we also have things for them to study at home so no big deal.  we did learn that my daughter can not go without candy.  she does freak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as for all that it will soon be warm and the winter still will give way to spring busy.  hot is on it's way and that is a fact living here on the mountain in the hills of Oklahoma.  new life new ways and better life style then running crazy in the city.

a side note YOU KNOW YOU ARE COUNTRY WHEN.  A FRIEND CALLS AND ASK YOU IF YOU HAVE A TRUCK HOOD AND YOU SAY YES, OUT BEHIND THE BARN AND THEY COME AND GET IT IN 18 INCHES OF SNOW.  friend told me that this morning because it happen to them.  well i guess jim and i need to get some of that stuff and be more country then we are becoming.

Monday, February 7, 2011

one day two days three days and four days i have stopped counting and hoping that the snow will go.  one big snow storm that race across the US and trapped 100 million people glad to know i was not by my self in the this history making snow storm   so we stayed in the house and know one here killed another and i not think that would happen  each found a quite place took laptop in hand and did what ever they (we) do on the net  we did loose the net for about 3 hours on day FOUR and that was a bit harry  did some relax accounts and they made it pass   now as a sit here another snow storm is on the way  i did hope that my kids would move out and be on the way to college at 18 but if they are out of school any more i dont think that is going to take place  PLEASE

this all could be worst  i could really be around people i did not like not have any food or smokes and traped without anything 

THE QUETION IS what do we do during this next around of snow and ice  ....  well we can read study take pictures watch tv and do the face book  we can sit around and think how nice it will be to see blue sky warm days and how we will be wishing for all this snow in july when it is 100+ degrees

well what ever happens it will be a growing thing