2012 and we are back in 1962. World leaders are shaking their sticks, threatening with their bombs, and prices going up. My kids are not coming home telling me that they were tough how to get under their desk. My neighbores are not building bomb shelters. And the biggest story on the news is who will have the best dress on the Red carpet and the latest dumb ass thing Obama did. Dam people does anyone see what is happening.
The news I do read has me worried. Israel will defend her self and the world will have a fit and Iran will try its best to play with the Big Boys. Their is an Iranian women is setting in her house just like the Israeli women wondering what about their kids safety. We are all re-living the late 1962 fall where the world went crazy but this time we are the parents and fearful for our children.
These kid have lived without much incidence, well at least here in the US. My kids have never wonder where their meal was coming from, they have 360 channel on the TV, computer, the internet, and Facebook. Their is Friday night games at the local high school, will he ask me out for prom, and I need some new Nikes. My horses and dogs enjoy the days and are feed well, my husband drives off to work, and other then me being one of the so many unemployed, everything sounds and seems so normal.
I have friends that attend "seeker friendly" churches and live in some type of disillusions, food price are going up, and I was just invite to my Gay Friends wedding. Gas continues to move to that four dollar mark which will flip people out for just a bit and before you know it that will be normal too.
What is going on? I am not the only one. I could not be the only one who has not bought into the bullshit. I have been told by many people that I am pretty smart and have it together. I agree and my ego loves that but come on now. This stuff is sample and anyone could see that it is just a bit way out of control. I was reading today that their is a church doctine that is teaching that people are "little Gods" and that man himself can ring in the peace and does not even need Christ. Wow, was all I could think. Once again the people are fighting about the "Right" to kill babies in the womb and once again state that it is a personal choice but now they want my taxes to pay for it. More and more we find ways not to take responsiblies.
Grief and shyness is going to be made into a "mental illness" and the doctors uncheck are the biggest Drug Dealer in town. We as a people may it be in the US or anywhere in the world are really just letting things get out of control.
What happen to question what is going on, OH I am sorry I would not be PC if I call it what it is... Dam people stand up and take it back. But what are we going to take back. It we look at the 1950's in this counrty that was just a dream for a small few who were in the so call middle class and of a color which was accepted. But what we do know that all were able to question and willing to fight for what was and is is right.
Talk to a young person today and you will fear. They are like little automatnos. They dont question unless it is a parent who has said no to use of the car or they can not have those new nikes. They dont care about learning and cheating has become an accepted way to get by in school. Adults seem to care even less as they seek self joy, newest high, and getting layed. Well at least that has not changed. Hay just to let you know that Grandmother are now in the early 40's and I have even met a great grandmother who was just 50. WOW.
My mother said some 40 years ago that the world was going to hell in a hand basket and she was right. She said it would be my generation that world lead the world to hell. I think she was right.
What do we leave our kids... We leave them 1962 all over again but this time I think the stupit bastards may really do it.
I really do have too much time on my hands between mailing and emailing the resumes off trying to find a "position" not really digging on the Housewife sceen but trying to wear it and getting use to it. Because maybe it is not that bad. Just have to remake myself. I can run an office get people moving on a project, and show good profit even in bad times. See just to much brain power doing the house work, it is not 1950 and I am not the "mindless" TV mom. G*d how I wish I was. I would not be so worried.
I want to know for myself will I and can I stand, or has my whole life been as much as a joke as I see the world now. The day is here and it is not coming. We are here and can we stand like our father did and "fight the good fight".
Prayer my children is what we have left. This what we can give our children because that is the only and last thing we have. Believe and do not be mislead beacuse all of this in set to lead you down the dark road which you will not come back.
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