Chinese for Mother

This work was completed today and is now ready for show this weekend.  It handcrafted no glass saw was used.  It is made with a very pretty light blus wispy stained glass.  Wish me luck.  If you like this and would like to have one contact me at

Just A Little Crazy

Just a 48 hours until the show and I can not sleep.  The hours before a show or any viewing of my work seem to keep sleep away.  I find my self finding things to drive me crazy.  Tonight crazy was trying to get this blog program running again on the laptop.  So yes passwords were changed, adjustment were made, and everything else got changed.  But still problems until a found that it was not the program it was the fact that tookie has blown up the internet again at home.  It was not the program or the computer, just the net has been slowed down again Really

Well I will start this day wiped out and have to get everything ready. One day before a show I will learn how to sleep and get rest but it will not be this show this weekend.

Just Crazy

Just wanted to say something and can get this blog to work on the laptop.  So now what do I do.  Maybe it is to late and I should get some sleep. 

Monday, June 17, 2013


The Spirit Of Oklahoma is given for those who still believe in freedom